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New Year Twist

If you are like me, around this time, I'm already sick about the thought of food. In my family, get-together and reunions are an endless affair throughout the season, so is FOOD! Our usual fare would be smoked meats, pasta, cheeses and pastries then, for the next gathering, we'll switch to something fresh like sushi, sashimi and fruits, then back to something fatty again....

So why am I blogging about food, you ask.

Well, it's about leftovers... leftover cheese, pasta sauce, cured meat.... and the fact that there are still the New Year's Eve parties that we have to go through.

So here comes the New Year Twist!

It's easy to prepare, it costs peanuts because it mainly needs leftover stuff and most importantly, it comes with a guilt-free stamp ('coz you don't get to throw away leftover food).

New Year Twist Recipe

1/2 of the pizza dough recipe here

any leftover cheese, meat or pasta sauce

any leftover seed or nut for crunch (optional)

I made two kinds: Cheesy Twist and Pesto Twist

I used leftover sharp cheddar for the the cheesy ones. You can put ham, salami, bacon or any meat that's available.

Leftover pesto pack mixed with oil for the Pesto Twist. You can use alfredo or marinara sauce with basil if that's what you have.

I placed the filling on half of the shaped dough, fold, then cut into long strips. I'm sure there are a couple of ways to go about it but this is the one that worked for me.

I brushed the twists with oil then sprinkled toasted black sesame for added texture and drama :)

After baking from a 300 degree oven for about 30 minutes. Sooo heart those oozing gooey cheese..

You can bring the New Year Twist to a party or you can serve it at home for the family. If you want it fancy-shmancy, prepare it as part of an antipasto, like I did.

Oh, and don't forget to bring your New Year's Eve party accessory. Anything that's dotted or sparkles will do. Mine is a Happy New Year sparkly headband. I bought it from my trip to Japan and cost around 700 yen (320 php). A total rip off! (you can probably find this in Divi for a fraction of it's price) But it was our last day and I still have a couple of yens to burn, so, haha..!

That's it guys.

Open that champagne and have a blast!

HAPPY NEW 2017!!!



New Year Twist Recipe

1/2 of the pizza dough recipe here

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