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Christmas Greeting Photo that "WOW!"s


You know it's that time of the year again when Christmas photos start trickling on facebook. Everyone's getting into a tizz with all the stuff that needs to be done. Decorations, parties, gifts... the list goes on... But creating a gorgeous Christmas greeting photo is one of those things that you can do ahead of time. With proper planning of course!

You can use anything you've got that looks "chrismasy". You can use any app available to write your greetings.

Here, i took a shot of the gifts i made for family and friends..

I made these Oreo Pops for my kids to give to their buddies in school.

My friends (lucky 'em) got these :))

These party spoons are for digging those cupcakes.

Or, you can create a Christmas scene!

I used our yard for this setting. We had a surplus of tree branches at that time so I piled 'em up and there it went...

Or you can focus on the details - can be your boots, hands or a christmas ornament. A simple suggestion of the season tells a lot.

Another idea is, if you've got kids, you can get them to pose for you (after a lot bribing and name-dropping Santa of course). They're naturally adorable and irresistible, perfect for a photo.

Also adorable is if you've got pets (although a little bit dicey) you can put red bows or other christmas accessories for them to wear or gnaw and take that perfect snap.

Lastly, of course there's family, a whole bunch of 'em. How can you miss sending Christmas greetings without them in it. Difficult to pull off because it's high on the rowdiness radar but 'the heck t'was fun.

Or if you're like crazy 'ol ME, you can use them all and come up with this..

Note: all photos were taken about 2 years ago :))

Be merry and bright this season, till next....

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